Our services


- Support to seamen in trouble

- Support to abandoned crews

- Visit to sailors in hospital

- In touch with the French office of ITF (International Transport Fédération) in case of wage or contract disputes between crews and ship owners



- Shipboard visits

- Report of our services

- Flyer of our seamen's club

- Free transport offer (minibus) between gangways, seamen's club, malls, city

- Exchange from dollars to euros (only for small amounts)

- Donation of clothes and books in several languages

- Sale of prepaid international phone cards (Lebara)

- Free Wifi 24/24 7/7 nearby the seamen's club

Other services

- Sale of essential products, souvenirs, drinks, biscuits, bar

- Television with a few international channels

- Leisure equipments as billards, table tennis, board games, darts, guitar, piano

- Loan of 3 bicycles

- Brochures of city maps, bus schedules and general information-